Cluster state

Cluster state #

Returns an internal representation of the cluster state for debugging or diagnostic purposes.

Get the whole cluster state #

Requests #

GET /_cluster/state/<names>

Path Parameters #

  • names
    (Optional, string) A comma-separated list of the following options:

    • _all
      Shows all names.
    • blocks
      Shows the blocks part of the response.
    • leader_node
      Shows the leader_node part of the response.
    • metadata
      Shows the metadata part of the response.
    • nodes
      Shows the nodes part of the response.
    • routing_nodes
      Shows the routing_nodes part of the response.
    • routing_table
      Shows the routing_table part of the response.
    • version
      Shows the cluster state version.

Get the state of a specific region #

Requests #

GET /_cluster/_region/<region_id>/state/<names>

Path parameters #

  • region_id
    (Required, String) The UUID of the region you want to query. A special ID _local can be specified to query the state of the region that handles this request.

  • names
    (Optional, string) A comma-separated list of options, see the names parameter of the cluster state API for the full list of options.

Calendar July 9, 2024
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