Create a collection

Create a collection #

Creates a new collection.

Examples #

The following request creates a new collection called my-collection in the namespace my-namespace:

PUT /my-namespace:my-collection

If creating a collection within the default namespace, it can be simplified as:

PUT /my-collection

Request #

PUT /[<namespace>:]<name>

Path parameters #

  • <namespace>
    (Optional, string) The namespace which the collection belongs to. Namespace names must meet the following criteria:
    • Lowercase only
    • Cannot include \ /, *, ?, ", <, >, |, , ,, #
    • Cannot start with -, _, +
    • Cannot be . or ..
    • Cannot be longer than 255 bytes (note it is bytes, so multi-byte characters will count towards the 255 limit faster)
  • <name>
    (Required, string) Name of the collection you wish to create. Collection names must meet the same criteria as namespace names.

Request body #

  • settings
    Collection settings

    • rolling.partitions_sharding_strategy
      (Optional, object) Specifies the default value for rolling setting partitions_sharding_strategy, which is used to configure the initial number of primary shards and how partitions are assigned to them for a rolling.

      Default value: create 1 shard and assign all partitions to it.

      Supported strategies are listed below:

      • Hash

        "hash": {
          "number_of_shards": <num_shards>

        One can specify the total number of shards, partitions are assigned to shards in this way:

        shard_index = hash(partition_id) mod number_of_shards
      • Range

        "range": ["0..128, 129..255"]

        An array of partition range needs to be provided, every array item represents a shard, the partitions specified in it will be assigned to the shard.

        The above example evenly assigns 256 partitions to 2 shards.

    • rolling.number_of_replicas
      (Optional, Integer) Specify the default value for rolling setting number_of_replicas, which controls the number of replicas a primary shard will have. Defaults to 1.

Calendar August 28, 2024
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