Region Settings

Get Region Settings #

Returns the settings configured for the region.

Requests #

GET /_cluster/_region/<region_id>/settings

Path Parameters #

  • region_id
    (Required, String) The UUID of the region you want to query. A special ID _local can be specified to query the state of the region that handles this request.

Query Parameters #

  • include_defaults
    (Optional, Boolean) If true, returns all default region settings. Defaults to false.

  • flat_settings
    (Optional, Boolean) If true, returns settings in flat format. Defaults to false.

Update Region Settings #

Returns the settings configured for the region.

Requests #

PUT /_cluster/_region/<region_id>/settings

Path Parameters #

  • region_id
    (Required, String) The UUID of the region you want to query. A special ID _local can be specified to query the state of the region that handles this request.

Query Parameters #

  • flat_settings
    (Optional, Boolean) If true, returns settings in flat format. Defaults to false.

Request body #

The regions settings you want to update:

  "persistent": {
  "transient": {
Calendar August 28, 2024
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