Type Parameter

Type Parameter #

  • analyzer: the analyzer used for indexing

  • search_analyzer: the analyzer used for searching

  • index_options: controls what information is added to the inverted index, available options are:

    • docs: Only the doc number is indexed. Can answer the question Does this term exist in this field?
    • freqs: Doc number and term frequencies are indexed. Term frequencies are used to score repeated terms higher than single terms.
    • positions (default): Doc number, term frequencies, and term positions (or order) are indexed. Positions can be used for proximity or phrase queries.
    • offsets: Doc number, term frequencies, positions, and start and end character offsets (which map the term back to the original string) are indexed. Offsets are used by the unified highlighter to speed up highlighting.
  • realtime: For non-object fields, enabling this option allows the field to support real-time search. For object fields, the realtime parameter overrides the realtime settings of its sub-fields.

  • index: For non-object field, if set, Pizza would build index for it to make it searchable. For object fields, the index parameter overrides the index settings of its sub-fields.

  • fields: It is often useful to index the same field in different ways for different purposes. This is the purpose of multi-fields

  • properties: nested sub-fields

Calendar February 7, 2025
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