
Create a namespace

/ create, / namespace

Create a namespace # Creates a new namespace. Examples # If creating a website namespace, the following request creates a new namespace called website: PUT /_namespace/website Request # PUT /_namespace/<name> Path parameters # <name> (Required, string) The name of the namespace. Namespace names must meet the following criteria: Lowercase only Cannot include \ /, *, ?, ", <, >, |, , ,, # Cannot start with -, _, + Cannot be . ...


/ namespace

Namespace # Pizza supports a multi-tenant architecture, allowing different sets of data for various scenarios to be stored within a single engine. Each set is referred to as a namespace, and different namespaces can have distinct topologies and access permissions configured. Usually, there’s no need to set up an additional namespace, and the default namespace is default. Within a namespace, there are several types of data: Collection, Docs: Collections of documents. ...

Delete a namespace

/ delete, / namespace

Delete a namespace # Delete a exists namespace. Examples # The following request delete the namespace called website: DELETE /_namespace/website Request # DELETE /_namespace/<name> Path parameters # <name> (Optional, string) The name of the namespace that you want to delete.